5 Reasons that make Mondial La Marseillaise so unique
Just a few hours before the great final of this year's Mondial La Marseillaise, where else in Marseilles, it seems to be the right time to shed some light on the 5 most important elements that make it such a unique and special event. So the Greek and foreign friends of Petanque and the Hellenic Petanque Clubs Association learn a little bit more about this event.
1. There are many, many players
photo by BORIS HORVAT / AFP |
It's a tournament with more than 12,000 players that start the first round. An organizational challenge
that can take place only because of the love of everybody in Marseilles for this game. There is a great
deal of effort from local authorities, sponsors, and public transport to handle and move all
these people around Marseilles and make it all happen on time.
2. The terrains
The heart of the tournament is beating at Park Borely but the tournament is spread everywhere.
For the first round, all the parks, all the boulodromes (and there are many in Marseilles) are filled,
and because the terrains are not enough, many more are prepared, temporarily,
for the needs of the tournament where ever there is some space. And they're not all as well as the
one where the final takes place(at the port) and is seen on television or the internet. They are
difficult, demanding, a variety of terrains with many secrets.
3. Great names, great appearances and great surprises
The last point - Posted by Michael Doerhoefer on Tuesday, July 4, 2017
Two things are never missing from Marseillaise, big names and great surprises. Champions of France,
Europe or the World, and generally some of the best players in the world always are present and
some teams (lucky in their misfortune) are playing against these huge teams from the first round.
However, there are always great surprises, such as this year's early exclusion of M. Foyot or
Quintais, Suchaud, Laur who lost 13-12 while being ahead 12-1 . But this is the magic of the
tournament that creates symbols and makes the winner's reputation take off.
4. The parallel tournaments and other events
Losing at the Mondial and being excluded from the next round quickly is something very likely,
but you should not get worried! You can still meet and play Petanque wherever you stand,
and La Marseillaise is not one but three tournaments, the open, the womens' competition and the juniors'. The crowd is gathering to watch the games of the big stars, but other games are played without spectators. Many 'after' tournaments are organized daily for those who have lost and do not continue. The platforms in the port await the big final ...
5. The unique and extreme playing conditions
However, Marseillaise is not a tournament for everybody. Others may love it and others may not
stand it. The special characteristics of the playing terrains, the audience that can flood the alley and
prevent the players who are over-sensitive to noises and movements, its ultimate knock-out format, also require special characteristics from the players: Absolute concentration, adaptability, deep
knowledge of the history and culture of the game, nerves of steel, endurance. The slightest irritation,
the fatigue from the hot sun of July in Marseilles, the action around the terrain can
destroy the game of some. That is why even many locals wait for years before venturing into this
great celebration!